Photo by Juan Mendez from Pexels Jeffrey R. Holland said that the commandment to "be of good cheer" is one of the least obeyed commandments in the scriptures. Sometimes, Christian believers can give the impression that they were baptized in a bucket of lemon juice rather than in the pure, cleansing waters of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We should be smiling saints - with all that God has given us we most certainly should be looking on the bright side of life. This Easter season is a wonderful time to remember that the word Gospel means "good news!" Imagine the state of the world when Jesus Christ came on the scene. Believers in God were trying to navigate a complex series of laws and rules where there was no hope for forgiveness. Rather, any hope for salvation hinged on perfect obedience to legalistic religious obligations. As far as all people knew, this life was the end. There was no sure doctrine teaching life after death ...