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Be of Good Cheer

Photo by Juan Mendez from Pexels

Jeffrey R. Holland said that the commandment to "be of good cheer" is one of the least obeyed commandments in the scriptures.  Sometimes, Christian believers can give the impression that they were baptized in a bucket of lemon juice rather than in the pure, cleansing waters of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  We should be smiling saints - with all that God has given us we most certainly should be looking on the bright side of life.  

This Easter season is a wonderful time to remember that the word Gospel means "good news!"  

Imagine the state of the world when Jesus Christ came on the scene.  Believers in God were trying to navigate a complex series of laws and rules where there was no hope for forgiveness.  Rather, any hope for salvation hinged on perfect obedience to legalistic religious obligations.  As far as all people knew, this life was the end.  There was no sure doctrine teaching life after death as a reality.  Disease, impairments, imperfections of any kind relegated people to a hopeless, outcast position.  Only those few who were outwardly "perfect" could obtain any kind of status or position in society.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ has provided believers with a happy, full life and me personally with more joy than I ever imagined possible.  Here are some great reasons that the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news!

We can start over, every day of our life.  We can change.  We can try again.  God's great plan is for our individual growth and progress.

Death is not the end.  We will see our loved ones again.

Our flaws, our mistakes and our weaknesses are not a permanent part of our identity.

Our physical shortcomings and ailments will not last forever.  Someday we will be given bodies that function perfectly.

Our diverse backgrounds and attributes are a reason for rejoicing, everything that God created he saw as "good."

There is reason in our suffering, because death is not the end our sufferings can refine our souls and make us wiser and stronger individuals who are kinder and more empathetic.

Not only do we have a God who cares about our destination in the next life but he cares about us now!  He wants to help us now to overcome our problems and mistakes and trials.  

If we want it we can look forward to a life in a wonderful place in the next life - a life where there will be no petty unkindness, no gossip, no cruelty, no anger.  A life with God and with our families forever.

These are just some of the reasons that the Gospel of Jesus Christ fills me with happiness.  What are some reasons that you have found to be of good cheer?


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