Growing up although I was not much of a sports person, I loved to watch basketball games. And I still love to watch a good game. In basketball, there is something that gives players a HUGE competitive edge in games. It is the "home court advantage." Statistically, NBA teams win around 60 percent of games in their home-court arenas. In the playoffs between 1999-2008, the team with home-court advantage in the playoffs won more than three out of four series.
To give this homecourt advantage to our families we must spend time in our Father's house. Spending time with their own families is great. But just as advantageous can be spending time with our perfect Father in Heaven who loves us infinitely and wants to give His beloved children who come to Him every advantage He possibly can. Also to our advantage can be having a team of "ancestor angels" who can minister to them when we are not around.
Here are some awesome promises from past general conferences about the blessings of temple and family history work for you and for your family. I just feel so hopeful when I read these promises. Are there any of these promises that you want for yourself or for your family?
"It has a refining influence on those who are engaged in it." Russell M. Nelson
"Joy and satisfaction." Neil L. Anderson
"More closeness and joy in your family and with the divine protections afforded those who are faithful in this service." - Quentin L. Cook
"Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding." - David A. Bednar
"You'll find not only protection from the temptation and ills of this world, but you'll also find personal power--power to change, power to repent, power to learn, power to be sanctified, and power to turn the hearts of your family together and halt that which needs healing." - Dale Renlund
"Your own knowledge and faith in the Savior will increase, and you will receive a more certain witness that life continues beyond the veil." - Neil L. Anderson
"I invoke a special blessing on you parents, you youth, and you children, that each of you will find joy and be blessed in every other aspect of your life as you fulfill the obligation that has been sent from heaven." - Quentin L. Cook
I promise you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary. As you participate and love this holy work you will be safeguarded in your youth and throughout your lives." - David A. Bednar
"I promise you the inspired help that you seek and need." - Henry B. Eyring
A few months ago I went on a customary trip to the temple. It was another dreary, snowy day in a long snowy winter. Those visiting the temple were wrapped in coats and hats. But as I left the temple I was struck by something. Everyone who left the temple on that snowy day looked smiling and joyous. It was as if they could not see the snow or feel the cold.
The temple can do the same for us in our spiritual lives. We can live a peaceful and much more joyful life amidst the trials and problems that will exist in the last days as we devote ourselves to family history work and to temple service. Our lives will not be problem-free. This is not the promise. But our temple service will be like a warm coat that insulates and protects us and our families against the trials around us. We will be protected and we will be blessed in all the affairs of our life. I know that this is true. So, go to your Father's house and keep on going. Start playing your games on your own home court with a heavenly cheering squad of angels and ancestors there to bless you in all the affairs of your life.
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