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Showing posts from July, 2021

The Key to Creating Marital Unity: Couple Councils

  One of us asked our son the other day what we did well in our marriage. He was ten and he paused for a minute. I started to panic as I remembered the many tense moments in our marriage. He then said, “You guys have councils together.” I thought that was interesting. Finally! One thing we do well.  But for me, effective couple council time is an essential part of the glue that keeps our marriage strong. We have made a real effort on Sunday mornings to have a couple council where we talk about problems, goals, and the direction that our family is headed. It’s not always pleasant but it keeps us on the same page. It is honestly one of the highlights of our marital week.  What do we do? We have a regular time for our council. Ours is Sunday morning. We usually have a notebook where we take notes on the council discussion. One of us is the note taker.  We start with a prayer. Involving God is crucial to the success of this time. God helps us see things differently and he cre