This weekend I hit a little point of burnout. I was feeling tense, tired and snapping at everyone. I hadn’t had the best night’s sleep the night before and I had been giving a lot. I finally just laid down on my bed exhausted and staring blankly at the wall. Luckily, after years of practicing at my career as a mother I knew what I needed to do. I needed a break. And soon. So, I told my husband and - bless his kind heart - he immediately kicked into gear. He took the kids and the new puppy for a little outing and left me to recuperate in peace. I fixed myself a healthy lunch, took a nap and took a warm bath. By the time he came home I was feeling ready to face the rest of the weekend.
Now what you do for your breaks may be different than me. But I feel that everyone needs breaks. Especially, if you run most of the day in high gear. Indeed, I feel that women who take breaks are kinder, more effective mothers than those who do not. This goes across the board for working moms as well.
As a younger mom, I always napped. I scheduled time for myself to rest. My children ran me thin and I needed time to recuperate. And the breaks that I took were naps. I remained close to my children who either napped or had quiet time. The naps were usually not long - 30 minutes or so but I woke up feeling refreshed. I also alternated running every other morning - my husband ran on my off days. Usually I ran for only about twenty minutes but it was enough to get my engine kicked into gear. And eventually, one evening a week on the advice of two bishops I started taking an evening off. It felt selfish at first but when you are constantly doing service in your home you need a chance to do your own thing. Would an employer deny an employee breaks? So, why do we women feel so guilty about doing it ourselves.
Now, with older children my life looks a little different. My day is basically like a hurricane with a quiet eye in the middle. I am very busy in the mornings and also after my children come home from school. And I am learning not to clutter the middle of my day too much. I do the basic housework, prepare dinner, and then I also take time for things I enjoy - I write, I read, I talk on the phone, sometimes I still even take a nap. These are things I enjoy.
What rejuvenates you? It may be exercise. It may be a healthy snack. It may be music or napping or hobbies or even a lunch with friends. Figure it out and take some time for it. You’ll be glad that you did.
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