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Showing posts from March, 2022

Why We Have a "Drug Problem"

 When we lived on the East Coast we had a colorful church leader. Our family sorting donations at a local men's shelter He was actually an auctioneer.  He could talk ten million miles a minute and he had a lot of good down-home advice.  One Sunday he came to our congregation to speak.  He shared this advice from something he read and it has always stuck with me.  I found this on a website from  Missouri's Liberty High School : The Drug Problem in America The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, ''Why didn't we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?'' I replied: "I had a drug problem when I was young": I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather. ... I was drug to the kitchen sink to have...